Saturday, February 13, 2010

What was old, is new again.

Just this week we completed an order of eight 4x6 cutouts of a very old photo. This image must be 50-60 years old. The image is of two boys, probably around 12-14 years old, going at one another with boxing gloves. According to the granddaughter, who placed the order, this is a legendary photo in their family, about which, many stories, or tall tales, have been told.

While this image has seen better days, the cutouts will live on for many years to come. The cutouts will help preserve this image and the memories attached to it. What a great idea for this family. Perhaps these cutouts will be used as family heirlooms.

These old images/photos are not the easiest to cut, especially those that have become damaged or have deteriorated from age. In my next post, I'll discuss ways to help preserve your old photos. I'll include a photo of an excellent example of an old photo that has been stored correctly, preserving its original hand-coloring. It is a beautiful treasure.

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At 2:31 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are right old photos are family treasure. You enjoy when you see this old photographs. I used photo-shop software to clean my old images and after that i loaded into DVD. This way i preserve My old Photographs. When i saw your blog image i remember my childhood where me and my bro was throwing the down pillow to each other.


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