Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A fresher 2010?

I haven't done well in recent years in keeping this blog fresh. I know it's best to make an entry every day. But, that won't happen with me and this blog. But, I'm going to try to update it at least once a week.

I hope 2010 will be an improved year for our economy. While our business was down a little last year, the decline didn't hit this business until about mid-year. So, the decline quite possibly wasn't as bad due to the timing. In other words, the end-of-year figures included pre-recession sales, which helped to bump the entire year's sales. If a full year (I hope not) of recession sales is seen, it will probably not be as good, and we'll see even more of a decline than last year.

To give you an idea of how an industry will affect another. Fun Fotos works with both retail and commercial customers. In our biz, our commercial accounts are professional photographers and camera stores etc. Our orders from them have been down, because their business is down. Since we have received fewer orders, we have used less material in creating our photo sculptures and have shipped fewer orders. So, what is affecting us has also affected our acrylic distributor and the U.S. Post Office. What a web we weave in both good economies and bad.

I heard yesterday an opinion that the recovery will be slow...slower than industry/business, Washington, politicians, and people/families having a rough time of it, need.The opinion was that substantial improvement wouldn't be seen until 2011. It only makes sense. We didn't get in this hole overnight, it will take time to dig out of it. But, the longer this goes on, I expect there will be more businesses/industry, that are just barely holding on now, that will have to throw in the towel. Putting more people out of work, throwing their mortage into jeopardy, which will be more losses for banks, which will add to them wanting to take-on less risk in loans & mortages etc...and the cycle continues.

I think we need somebody big with Wall Street, banking, and/or industry to step up to the plate and do something dynamic that will show others that they are willing to take a chance with a project related to their field to provide jobs, incomes, homes etc. The results will spread to other areas & people and would be the gift that could keep on giving. We need less greed...& "what's in it for me" and more of...doing the right thing for others, everyone.

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